Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Why Be Creative?

Greetings, inhabitants of The Man Shed.

My name is Steve and I am a photographic artist, guitarist, song writer and aspiring wordsmith. I have also worked in factories, as a postman, as an auditor, at Broadmoor Hospital and done lots of data entry. Although not always successful in my efforts, I have always tried to be creative.

To start with, what do I mean by, 'creative.' Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to complete the regular array of stuff that life throws at us; so why complicate things with other stuff? 

Most people would consider the 'arts' as being creative; painting, music, acting, writing, pottery, sculpture, etc....., but by (dictionary) definition 'creativity' can mean a lot more than just being artistic.

"The ability to go beyond traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, originality or imagination."

I hope you agree; the practice and/or addition of some of those ideals above wouldn't go amiss in our daily routines. Our work places, family lives and to some extent, our personal beliefs surely couldn't help but benefit from a few fresh inspiring trains of thought.

Yes, being a photographer and musician I do live in the world of the arts most of the time; but I would like to encourage those in the Man Shed to explore or even uncover areas of their own creativity and apply those new 'meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, originality or imagination' to their daily lives.

Kindest regards, Steve

Image: Mozart Piano (c) Steve Mann / Nelson Art

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